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Are your IT systems at risk from viruses, malware and hackers?

Is your business data safe and secure?

There are numerous and wide ranging threats to the security of your IT systems and data; our IT security support service will increase your protection and includes:

Network Administration

Are you certain that ex-employees don't retain access to sensitive information? Is confidential data protected from prying eyes? Purplepig IT takes care of user accounts, file permissions and security control, providing only the required level of access to employees. If they leave, we make sure all access is removed to protect you from data theft.

Patch Management

Are your systems up to date with the latest security patches, or might they be open to attacks from the Internet? Our advanced management platform checks your systems daily and automatically installs security patches and software updates if required.

Anti-virus Software Management

Is your anti-virus software up to date and functioning properly? Our team is automatically notified if your anti-virus protection becomes out of date, or a virus hits your systems, enabling us to rapidly respond and resolve issues before they become potentially more serious.

Back-up Monitoring and Administration

Is your data backed up and stored securely, ready to be restored in the event of disaster? With daily back-up checks and periodic test restores, you can rest assured that we’ll be able to get your systems back online if disaster strikes.

Firewall Management

Are you confident that your firewall is correctly configured so your network isn’t exposed to dangerous threats from the Internet? Your firewall is the first line of defence for your network. We ensure, as part of our service, that your firewall is configured correctly and kept up to date as required.

"Security is the area of IT investment that we take very seriously . We have six key areas that are red lines . We have been known to refuse potential clients as they would not sign up to completley protecting their systems and servers . It would damage our reputation and their business if we had proceeded with a half hearted approach to total security . "
Gary Robinson| Technical Director | Purplepig IT